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Welcome to TIDI’s REST API reference documentation.

Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs are web service endpoints that support sets of HTTP methods, which provide create, retrieve, update or delete (CRUD) actions to the services’ resources.

In this documentation you will find all the required information to understand TIDI’s REST API: usages of it, how to set it up and how to send requests programmatically.


Intended audience

This API and this documentation are designed for companies that distribute and/or manage point-of-sale or management software for third-parties, so that your clients can keep using your own software while still enjoying the benefits that TIDI offers to its users. In most of cases, these companies will be ERPs and sales web applications. One way or another, hereinafter we will refer to these companies as PSIs.

PSI users will need to implement a connection to TIDI’s API in their software to provide or request the live data that is required. For instance, to send the commercial data required to generate the digital receipt to show it to your client’s customer.


We give you a testing and a production environment in the following URLs. There you may create your account and manage your data.