Shared provider ID

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This field is an alternative to using the relation_key. Not required if you can easily use this parameter.


What it is

The shared_provider_id is an alternative identifier of your client to the relation_key. It should only be used if you face difficulties in storing the relation_key in your software. If you can easily use the relation_key, we strongly recommend you to use it instead.

The shared_provider_id is a parameter provided by PSI users to TIDI. With it, you tell us how you want to identify your clients on the API. PSIs can edit this parameter any time they need, but it’s only usable as long as the status of the relation to the client shows as «Accepted».

Usually, the easiest is that you provide the identifier of your client in your software system, so you do not have to create a new identifier for each client.

We will never share this parameter with any third-party, this data will be stored securely and remain private to you.


Where to find it

PSI users will be able to provide it when adding the company or when modifying it at any later stage on the dashboard after logging in the account (you may consult the URL here)

How this parameter gets obsolete

Like the relation_key, the shared_provider_id will only be usable as long as the relation appears as “Accepted”: if any of the two counterparties eliminates/removes this relationship, this shared_provider_id will automatically become unusable and any request to the API endpoints depending on this parameter will fail from this moment onwards.


How to make the same shared_provider_id value usable after it got obsolete

To make the same value (or any other) usable after the present relation got obsolete, send a new connection request to your client with the same shared_provider_id value. After acceptance, this value will become usable in the API exactly the same way as it used to be. Your client will not see any disruption to their service (except of course for the calls to the API that your software did between the old relation got obsolete and the new one got accepted).


How to edit it

This parameter may be modified with the button “Modify company”. Please, bear in mind that, if you are already using it in the API, any modification to this field on the dashboard will make these calls stop working immediately and until you update your calls with the new value. Edit it only if you are sure about what you are doing.


Data type
